
How SJAI is Making a Difference

Sustainable Approach

As a plantation company, PT. Sinar Jaya Agro Investama is committed to being a trusted, responsible and sustainable company in producing high quality palm oil and its derivative products. The company is well aware that oil palm is the crop with the highest productivity compared to other vegetable oil crops. Therefore oil palm cultivation plays an important role in the welfare of farmers, local communities and even the state.

Cultivation of oil palm is very important to be carried out in a sustainable manner for responsible and positive development for all stakeholders, now and in the future. The company continues to strive to implement sustainable practices that will be outlined in this policy.

Zero Deforestation

  • Ensure long-term protection of forest areas by considering High Carbon Stock (HC5), High Conservation Value (HCV) and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments (SEIA).
  • Always conserve biodiversity in all High Conservation Value (HCV) or High Carbon Stock (HCS) areas around company concessions.
  • Adopting a landscape-based planning approach (Landscape Approach) to conservation, taking into account the existence of other concessions managed by the company and involving stakeholders.
  • Identify sources of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and strive to make progressive reductions by taking into account environmental and economic factors from all lines of company operations.
  • Firmly committed to the implementation of a “no burn” policy in all company operations and is actively involved in fire and haze initiatives.

Peatland Protection

  • Ensure that there are no new developments on peatlands regardless of depth.

  • Working closely with experts and all stakeholders to ensure Best Management Practices (Best Practices) for peat in previously managed concessions are in accordance with laws and regulations

  • Collaborate on considering options for long-term restoration or alternative uses, if the managed peatlands are not suitable for replanting.


  • Recognizing the universal declaration of human rights, encouraging equal treatment and non-employment of children in all company operations.

  • Refuse all forms of sexual harassment and violence, especially for women and protect their reproductive rights.

  • Provide a safe and healthy work environment by implementing a fair treatment policy in which the values ​​and rights of permanent, temporary and local and foreign workers are respected.

  • Facilitate the entry of smallholders, growers and small Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) suppliers and fully support them in our sustainable sourcing supply chain in fair, transparent and credible partnerships.

  • Respect and recognize the formal and customary rights of indigenous peoples or local communities to land, territories and resources to give or withhold Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) to use lands they hold legally, communally or customarily and ensure that the land allocation process is transparent and based on the law.

  • Ensure legal compliance and best practices in FPIC are applied, before starting new operations or activities with stakeholder engagement to ensure the FPIC process is properly implemented.

  • Consider and ensure the food security of local communities is strengthened in order to safeguard their land use choices and food security in the future.

  • Work in a fair and transparent manner to resolve valid complaints and conflicts with all parties so that all complaints and conflicts can be resolved and handled in a responsible manner.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

  • Require all employees to act honestly with integrity at all times.
  • Committed to creating a healthy business, avoiding actions or behaviors that can lead to Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN)
  • Prioritizing the interests of the Company over personal, family, group or group interests.
  • Implement the principle of Zero Tolerance against actions related to corruption, bribery and/or violations of the relevant laws and regulations.
  • Provide socialization on preventing corruption and building business integrity on a regular basis to all employees.

Companies, business groups and affiliates must comply with this policy before developing new plantations, including undeveloped areas on existing concessions.

The company will work with suppliers to socialize and encourage them to adopt this policy. We will not work with suppliers that we know are not compliant with this policy.