PT. Agra Sawitindo
Company Profile
PT. Agra Sawitindo is located at Jl. Raya Bengkulu – Curup KM 20, Ujung Karang, Karang Tinggi – North Bengkulu. It was established in 2008 to process fresh palm fruit bunch into Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel (PK). Capable of processing up to 45 Tons of fruits per hour, Agra Sawitindo’s products are sold into domestic market and exported through Panjang Port, Lampung. It also contributes to the productive business activities for the people in the local community, which mainly consists of smallholder farmers.
Produced CPO is sold to domestic market and also exported through Panjang Port, Lampung. Palm Kernels are being transported to the nearest group-owned kernel crushing plants.
Products |
Crude Palm Oil |
Palm Kernel |