A social service ceremony was held on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 for the hand over of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and food supplies from PT. Nakau to the district government at the North Lampung Police Headquarter. 

The activity was attended by the Acting Regent of the Regency. North Lampung Hi. Budi Utomo, SE. M.M, North Lampung Police Chief AKBP Bambang Yudho Martono, S.I.K. M.Si and a number of other community leaders.

The PPE submitted as many as 140 pieces and 25 tons of rice to the North Lampung district government as a form of concern for PT. Nakau to participate in accelerating the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 in North Lampung, subsequently the PPE will be distributed to medical personnels in the North Lampung regency and the necessities to the less fortunate residents whose economy is affected.